What is a mental energy vampire?


What is a mental energy vampire?

In a previous article (ubaciti link) we talked about energy vampires and how to avoid them. We mentioned ways to discover if the person is an energy vampire, which kind, and also we discussed some ways to protect ourselves from them.

Another thing I want to talk about is the mental energy vampire. What’s a mental energy vampire? Mental energy vampire is an unresolved emotional experience that is sitting in our subconscious. 

Most people don’t resolve stuff as they go through life. Everything that is one pass through is resident in your subconscious mind. And all these experiences have emotion attached to them. One simple way to deal with unresolved emotional experiences is to do this little exercise. Just take a piece of paper and write down the problem on it. Every experience has emotion attached to it. And I want to share with you a quote from Tesla which I think really encapsulates the philosophy that I believe in. 

Tesla says if you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. Everything is made up of energy and it’s vibrating in a certain frequency. If I have an experience, it has emotion attached to it. It’s vibrating in my subconscious mind. I can’t do anything about the experience because it’s already happened. But what I can do to help myself is to remove the emotion that’s attached to experience. So I take a piece of paper and write down the problem. Something really interesting happens, the experience moves from my subconscious mind to my conscious mind because I’m reliving it. The interesting thing that happens is the energy, the emotion that actually comes out of the experience flows through my hands into the piece of paper. Now I crumble a piece of paper and I burn it in a fire. It could be garbage, a fireplace, it doesn’t really matter. What it does is the fire destroys the emotion. You can’t destroy energy but what it actually does is transform the emotion in the paper, into heat flame, ash, smoke and a whole bunch of different things. 

Now I know many of you can be sceptical about this. You may say something like this: “I realize that experiences have emotion attached to them and I realize as well, when you relive it or you’re writing about it, it goes from your subconscious mind to your conscious mind. But this whole concept that emotion comes out of the experience and flows through your hands into the piece of paper, and that if you burn it, fire destroys emotion, I find it’s really hard to believe. That’s a little bit too spiritual for me.” 

Maybe the best example would be the kids. If you don’t have kids, there must be someone close to you that has. So you are familiar with occasions on Father’s or Mother’s Day, or parents birthdays, or even in some regular everyday life. Kids make some cards for their parents. They usually go to the back of the house, and they find an old piece of cardboard. They draw on it and then stick a bunch of things on it, stars and a bunch of ribbons. And then on their parents birthday they hand the card to the parents. 

And what does it look like? Doesn’t look that great, it’s made by a four year kid. It can’t look that perfect, right? If anyone saw a card like that in the store, would he pay money for it? No, no way, right?. But what do parents do with that card from their kids? They keep every single one, and why? Because those cards are so full of love. Again, if you are a parent, then you know what I am talking about. If you’re not, then ask any parent about it, they will answer you the same. 

It’s the same concept, a four year kid can put emotions in the card, and you can also put emotion into a piece of paper. It’s just how it works. And when you hold that card and watch it you can feel that emotion. 

So, you can actually transfer energy from your emotion from inside of you into another matter. How many of  us have kids and have one of those not so attractive drawings at home. And we do keep them, even if we never are able to sell it to anybody. We keep it because it’s so full of love, it’s full of emotion. 

You can move emotion out of you. So the exercise here is really if you ever find that you have unresolved emotional experiences, sitting in your subconscious consuming a tremendous amount of energy. Just take a piece of paper and write it down. Then burn it in an ordinary fire. How many times should you write? Well depending on the emotion. If it’s an intense experience, you might have to write about it three or four times. If it’s not so intense, then maybe once or twice. 

Our conclusion here is that we can have energy vampires inside ourselves same as we can have energy vampires around us. But the good thing is that there are ways to solve these issues. And if you didn’t read about energy vampires around us, then you should check this article: 4. Article Four – Energy vampires and how to avoid them?

Thank you again for reading this, hope you enjoyed it! It’s my pleasure to share my knowledge and information I discover. 


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