Why is it important to know yourself?


Why is it important to know yourself? This is very complex question but this answer is very simple.

To know yourself is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. It truly is. Most people don’t really understand themselves. They don’t understand what they want in life and therefore find it extremely difficult to determine what to focus the finite amount of energy on. 


I want to give you two quotes. The first one is to proceed with confidence, believe in your ability to manifest something in your life. Because you can. How do you manifest something in your life? You take your awareness and you focus it on that thing. In order to do that you should develop concentration. If you don’t know much about concentration, here is one great article that covers this subject:  The power of concentration and why it’s important for managing energy?

So, you continue to keep your awareness on it. And when your awareness is on it, that’s where your energy is flowing. When your energy flows, it starts to manifest in your life. So believe in your ability to do that and proceed with confidence. But in order to be able to focus on important things in your life, the key starting point is that you truly know yourself. 

If you are not clear why I am talking about energy so much, then I you should definitely read these articles that covers energy and it’s management because these are also crucial part of overall well being. Here are the articles you should  read:

How to get more energy?

How the mind works and its relation to energy

The next thing is life is meant to be lived joyously. It truly is and if you’re not happy with life then something needs to be changed. If you ask most people what they want in life, they’ll always say what most people answer: I want to be happy. Happiness should never be pursued. Don’t pursue happiness, pursue a lifestyle that results in happiness.

That’s for me what I do. I never chase happiness. I pursued a lifestyle, where the byproduct of the lifestyle is happiness. In order to find out what my lifestyle is I need to know what my purpose in life is. In order to do that I need to spend time with myself each day to find out who and what’s important in my life. 

I will take that finite amount of energy that I have each day, focus it into those things which are important to me. And that will start to manifest in my life, and the byproduct of this manifestation is happiness. 

Why is it important to know yourself?

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Thank you very much. I hope you enjoyed it!


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